Cigar Rights of the World is a Non-profit organization based in Basel, Switzerland.
All daily running costs of Cigar Rights of the World are privately funded by the Meerapfel family.

Funds intended for special projects will be collected from your donations.

All funds donated to Cigar Rights of the World will be managed by the Board of Directors (appointed and constituted mainly by consumers), who will attribute donations to projects and associations.

These will best benefit the agenda of Cigar Rights of the World in protecting the premium cigar lovers.
Cigar Rights of the World is the only worldwide consumer-based association.

The quintessence of Cigar Rights of the World is to unite the cigar community, to bring their voices and votes together.

While already established associations, mainly governed and financed by manufacturers focus on lobbying, Cigar Rights of the World is a movement of unity and solidarity, focused on the cigar lovers.

Thus Cigar Rights of the World will collect, coordinate and deliver YOUR VOICE in an efficient manner through the existing structures and organizations of targeted lobbying, petitioning and funding.

Cigar Rights of the World looks forward to assisting premium cigar lobbying organizations around the world and closely collaborate with existing associations, in the spirit of unifying and protecting, the people and efforts around premium cigars.
The short-, mid- and long-term goal of Cigar Rights of the World is fulfilling its mission and manifesto; to unite and protect the rights of the cigar community.
An agenda, structured by the Board of Directors, will be published on the website.
Like a smile that symbolizes that one is happy, the clenched fist is a universal symbol of solidarity and support. It expresses unity, strength, defiance and resistance.